Safe Parking Program Development

Safe Parking Program Development

Key Skills
LeadershipProject ManagementProgram Development

Safe Parking Los Angeles


Los Angeles, CA

Company Bio

My Role

I spearheaded the project life cycle, from inception to completion. My focus was to lead and coordinate the efforts of various individuals involved in the development and implementation of the program, including Safe Parking LA parking participants, funders and key influencers, other safe parking operators, SPLA staff and Advisory Board, and data from LAHSA. I ensured that the program was implemented successfully, and that the positive aspects of the program were highlighted, including its potential benefits to the community.


The 2020 Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count reported that vehicular homelessness accounted for nearly 39% of all unsheltered individuals in Los Angeles County. Car dwellers often lack access to safe locations to stay at night and available supportive services. As a result, the Safe Parking Program was created to provide safe overnight parking options for those living in their vehicles, while also advocating for fair and equitable treatment and resources for the unhoused.

To ensure that our program aligned with our values, we focused on building connections with others, promoting individual choice, treating people with dignity, respect, and compassion, and acting with urgency to make an impact. Throughout the project life cycle, we monitored our progress towards achieving our established goals. We developed financial projections to support independent operations, created a staffing and administrative plan, and developed safe parking priorities to guide when and where new lots were added. Our ultimate goal was to reach and maintain 80% parking lot occupancy while successfully assisting 60% of people to access available housing opportunities. Additionally, we advocated for public policies and systems that inform or promote access and availability of affordable housing in the city and county of Los Angeles.


Key Takeaways

  • Holistic Support Framework: through a comprehensive approach that includes employment support and financial assistance, Safe Parking LA helped 58 clients gain employment and transition 588 clients into housing. 
  • Robust Operational Infrastructure: Safe Parking LA implemented a well-designed program with a secure and reliable parking lot management system, enabling 22,363 nights of safe parking for vehicle dwellers.
  • Improved Outcome Metrics: Safe Parking LA leveraged a data-driven approach to increase housing placements by 47% in the first year, helping more vehicle dwellers access safe and stable housing options.
